Thursday, 11 April 2013



Glitter & Brush - one traces the journey from Arts Centre to NewRED, the other goes along with a brush to erase the line, the process could be repeated several times.


Glitter & Glitter - two containers of glitter at each site, both performers trace various routes to and from the sites, perhaps meeting at points along the way


Megaphone & Text - not sure how this one would work?!

Tins & String - two tins at one site, string at the other. Walking to meet each other at a set point the string and tins are joined together, walking away from each other whilst talking through the tins the two performers take one tin each tins to the locations.


Camera & Money - disposable camera at one site, the exact money to get it developed at the other. One travels to the opposite site photographing the journey, collects the money, pays to get it developed, puts the receipt in one location and the photos in the other.


Two Camera's & Money - as above but with a camera and money at both sites so both performers to the same process, with the possibility of meeting/photographing each other along the way.


Balloon & Scissors/Pin - balloon at one site, collected by one performer, inflated and taken to a meeting point. The other performer meets the one with the ballon and bursts it. The remains are collected and taken to the opposite site, the pin/scissors are taken to the opposite site.


Shrink-wrap & Scissors - one person collects the shrink-wrap and makes a series of barriers between objects in the city. The other cuts them down. Perhaps after first performing with them, pushing against them, moving within them etc


Fabric/T-Shirts & Needle and Thread - one collects a fabric barrier with holes in for people to put their heads through, walking around the city they invite the public to join in and become part of the sculpture/performance


Collection of T-Shirts, sewn together for people to join on as above, would they be sewn together as people joined in? maybe safety pins would be better?

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